

Since 2013, FACT has achieved tremendous success exposing manipulators and destructive groups, helping victims escape exploitive situations, rescuing abused minors, reuniting families and more. There are millions of victims presently trapped in high control/demand groups, and we are one of the only 501c3 non-profits in existence working to help free them and hold destructive groups accountable for their actions.

FACT proudly holds the highest platinum
Guidestar rating possible (Guidestar is a charity evaluator) for complete transparency and accountability regarding non-profit organizations, meaning we’re a non-profit you can trust who spends 100% of all donations on our mission.

Generous donations are what make it possible for our charity to fulfill our important objectives, and please know that your donation is 100% tax-deductible.

  • • Victim support for minors and adults in high-control / demand groups
  • • Education in schools and online to inform and warn students about destructive groups
  • • Providing guidance and support to families of victims
  • Exposure and working within the law to hold criminal groups accountable
  • • Conducting investigative research on destructive groups
  • • Creating and distributing educational awareness materials
  • • Monitoring of news sources and sharing the information with the public
  • • Holding anti-cult events to raise awareness with the general public

To support our mission please
Email Us
However you choose to give, we thank you so much for caring enough to support our mission. It is only with your ongoing help that we are able to continue rescuing victims (like children and the elderly), reunite families, exposing cults and more.
Only together are we able to make a real impact against destructive cults and help as many victims as possible.
Tibor Stern

flexible Families Against Cult Teachings

© 2013 Families Against Cult Teachings, Inc.
